What are the most common types of plumbing systems in a house?

As a homeowner, plumbing systems are an important part of your house and require regular upkeep to ensure optimal performance. But, before you know how to properly maintain all the pieces of your own home’s plumbing, it helps to first understand what type of system you have installed. There are several different types of plumbing systems typically found in a residential setting and each has its own unique setup and maintenance needs. In this blog post, we will explore the three most common types of plumbing systems - gravity-fed, low-pressure as well as a combination - so that you can better understand their features and determine which is best suited for your home environment.

Gravity-fed Systems

A gravity-fed plumbing system is a common option for installing water and drainage in homes. This type of plumbing system offers several advantages: first, it does not require a pump and emits no noise, making it environmentally friendly. Second, it is relatively inexpensive in comparison to other plumbing systems. Finally, the layout of this system allows for easy installation. The main components include the main tank, containers for hot and cold water, piping joining tanks to the municipal supply, and outlets within the house for consumption. Although more expensive materials can be used for Pipe fittings and joints within this type of system, copper or PVC pipes are the most common choice due to their affordability and durability. If properly maintained, a gravity-fed plumbing system can provide reliable service without much effort or expense on your part.

Low-pressure plumbing systems

A low-pressure plumbing system in a house is a great cost-effective way to ensure that water can flow throughout a property without having to place additional strain on the mains supply. This system utilizes a combination of pumps and valves to pass the water from tank to tap with as little pressure as possible, ensuring hot and cold water are distributed evenly throughout the home for convenience. Low-pressure systems are often favored by homeowners due to its efficient working capacity and consistency. By installing this type of system, it eliminates any risk of significant fluctuations in water flow within the household that could cause excessive wear and tear on pipes over time.

Combination plumbing systems

A combination plumbing system is an efficient way to bring both hot and cold water into the home. This type of system has two components: a gas-fired hot water heater and a high-efficiency boiler. The hot water heater produces hot water for the demands of multiple fixtures – such as showers, sinks, and baths. The boiler provides excellent chilliness for those fixtures if needed in colder seasons. It should be noted that the combination plumbing system does require additional maintenance in comparison to other systems because it is more complex, but this extra care also increases reliability when used correctly. This type of system often uses energy more efficiently, which can result in lower bills or savings over time. For homeowners looking to improve their home's efficiency and save some money in the long run, a combination plumbing system could be a wise choice.
