Signs that you may have a leak in your house

When it comes to keeping water off your floors and out of the rest of your home, a leaky pipe or other sources of water can be devastatingly expensive as well as destructive. In addition to causing costly damage, untreated leaks can also lead to health problems if moisture accumulates in areas you may not realize. While some types of leaks are easy for homeowners to spot—such as when their faucets drip or toilets overflow—others can be more difficult for the average person to detect without professional help. To help you identify any potential issues before they worsen, we've compiled a list of signs that may indicate there's a hidden leak somewhere in your house.

Wet spots on the floor

Wet spots on the floor can easily be overlooked, yet they are indicative of a major potential problem in your home – a leak. Left untreated, that leak could cause serious damage to your house, and your possessions, and even create safety hazards. It is important to identify the source of any wet spots and make sure those leaks are fixed immediately or you risk costly repairs down the road.

Mold or mildew growth

If you notice dark spots on your walls, floors, or ceilings, or have a musty smell in certain areas of your house, it could mean that mold or mildew growth is an issue. It's time to investigate the source of the problem to prevent the issue from growing larger! This can often be an indication that there may be an underlying leaking issue in your home, which should be attended to immediately. Taking the proper measures quickly and efficiently can help keep damage in check, preserve the value of your property, as well as maintain a safe living environment. If not properly addressed in time this issue can become costly and result in further problems down the line. So if you suspect a leak somewhere in your home it's best to act fast.

Water stains on the ceilings or walls

Water stains on your ceilings or walls may feel like an unwelcome sight, but they could be indicative of a much bigger problem. If left unchecked, these water stains could indicate that you have a leak somewhere on the premises -– whether it be in the roof, an internal pipe, or even from an outdoor plumbing fixture. It's important to address this situation quickly by calling a professional plumber to inspect your property; otherwise, the damage done may increase dramatically with time and cost more money in the long run.

Higher than normal water bills

High water bills can be disconcerting, but they can also point to a much bigger problem - a leak in your house. If you receive an unusually high water bill, it's important to investigate right away to determine whether or not there really is a problem. Checking for leaks isn't complicated; simply turn off all of your taps and then monitor your water meter. If the reading changes when no one is using any water throughout the house, this indicates that there is likely a leak. It could be as simple as a faulty tap, or it could be something more serious such as an invisible pipe break underneath the floors or foundation of the home. Regardless of the cause, it's critical to take steps to fix any kind of leak quickly for both practical and financial reasons.

Leaks in your plumbing fixtures

Leaks in your plumbing fixtures are common signs that your home may have an undetected leak. If you see water or moisture around a pipe or fixture, it could be an indication that there's something wrong with the system. Additionally, if you hear noises coming from behind walls or ceiling, such as hissing, creaking, and banging, these too suggest an issue with your plumbing system. It is important to identify and repair any leaks promptly to avoid any further damage to property. Therefore if you experience any of these warning signs, it is best to contact a plumbing professional as soon as possible to get the problem sorted quickly and efficiently.
